Our Mission

Preserve MV Perth on the Swan River with access for all Western Australians


MV Perth is a fond part of all Western Australians’ past. Little wonder – with so much charm and beauty, she was a part of our daily lives on the Swan River for so long. The Dingo sign, the swan brewery, MV Perth – these are the icons that all Western Australians know and love so well.       MV Perth first became part of the fabric of the Swan River when she sailed her maiden voyage in 1914, commencing ferry services between the Mends Street  and Barrack Sreet jetties. Moving on from her days of hard work, you may well have been on board for a leisurely school outing, a picnic day out or perhaps a night time party cruise. In recognition of the importance MV Perth, she has been entered onto the Australian Register of Historic Vessels (Registration number HV000553). Given this importance, you may be wondering what has happened to her. Long neglected and unloved, she has been moored at Henderson, Western Australia for many years. At one point – unbelievably – she even suffered a vandalism attack. A succession of owners with failed plans has seen the ferry sitting idle for all too long. Western Australia’s most historic vessel has given over 100 years of service and  needs all the love and care a boat of this age deserves.

It’s time to make a change!

We acquired the vessel in the Spring of 2022 and have commenced a project to ‘Save the MV Perth’. We are currently building a team of enthusiasts to band together and save her from demise via the formation of the ‘Friends of MV Perth’ club. Full details of what we are hoping to achieve are on the “Scope of Works” page. Urgent remedial works have already commenced and soon we will be firing up the Kelvin engine as the first small step to bringing the MV Perth back to her former glory.

The urgent remedial works will be funded by direct GoFundMe campaigns and donations. Upon completion of the survey assessment, a decision will be made as to how best to proceed. The future may see either custody transferred to the Friends of MV Perth Inc, or a collaborative arrangement put in place between the Friends and the current custodian.

It’s early days and this is just the beginning. This will be a huge task and the MV Perth will  need support from the Government, maritime enthusiasts, sponsors, financial backers and – hopefully – you! Time is against us though and we need your urgent support – find out how  you can help by clicking the link below.

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